New Experience

Indoor Shooting Range

 C’mon! You can’t tell me this wasn’t on your list somewhere. After watching so many movies or T.V. Shows. Reading books about some indoor shooting range and either being a stellar shot or being so bad they should put the gun down and walk away. 

I used to imagine how poorly I’d do, or day dream at being a dead shot.  Of Course, I’m not either. A little education and some slow motion videos, I found out how to shoot better.

Guns aren’t a new thing for me. Growing up we would shoot rifles as kids with parent supervision. Going up to the hunting shack and tacking targets on trees. We were taught how to hold guns, never to point at someone, how to keep your finger off the trigger and so many other things.  I wasn’t raised in a die hard gun family. We had a few guns in the house. I don’t recall anyone going absolutely nuts thinking anyone was taking guns away or rights away or getting mad because someone MIGHT do those things. 

Anyways – that was a tangent and a half. 

Here’s our first time going to an indoor shooting range!

1.2016 – Mesa Arizona

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